Every parent wants the BEST for their children. Parents go through so much to make sure that their children receive the best. And isn’t God the BEST? We at Saint John the Baptist Church offer our parishioners the best religion teachers possible. Our teachers love and help nurture our next generation to know and love God and to be people of service. Please take some time to look at our Religious Education Program and sign up your children and give them the BEST…God!
6th & 7th Grade: The students will learn that through Scripture, doctrine, and prayer, children are guided into a deeper personal relationship with Christ.
8th Grade: The children will learn and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Also, during this year the children will learn the importance of service of others.
High School: The High School students will review the moral laws that we are all called to live and that we have a need to serve all of God’s people. We need to find ways to use our gifts and talents to make the world a better place and witness to others what Jesus has taught us in our words and deeds.
Religion Education Classes
Pre-School/Kindergarden: The children will learn that God made us and that everything God made is “very good” especially US!
1st Grade: Learning who God is and how much He loves us. Also, God created the world and all that is in it.
2nd Grade: The Children learn and receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion
3rd Grade: The children will learn that God calls each one of us and gives us many gifts to live a good and happy life and share our gifts with all those around us.
4th Grade: The children will learn that God reveals himself best in His Son Jesus and that Jesus reveals best the Father’s love for us.
5th Grade: The Children will learn that the sacraments draw us closer to God. We will learn that God’s laws help us to truly be happy and live lives that we be wonderful
Contact the Parish Office for more information: 419-692-0636
classes will meet after Sunday morning mass, during the school year. A full schedule will be provided. Please contact the Parish House if you would like to enroll your children into the religion education program or to get more information.